
Friday, December 13, 2013

N Seoul Tower(Namsan tower) in Seoul

N Seoul Tower was built in 1969 as Korea’s first integrated transmission tower beaming television and radio broadcasts across the capital. Since opening to the public in 1980, it has become a much-loved Seoul landmark. The tower’s main attractions include multi-colored digital art projected onto the tower at night, a digital observatory, a roof terrace, the HanCook restaurant, the n.Grill restaurant, and the Haneul (Sky) Restroom. N Seoul Tower’s mountain surroundings on Namsan (Mt.) have made it a popular place to unwind for locals and tourists alike.

An amazing multi-colored light show every night

 Due to regulatory inspections, the nighttime laser light show has been temporarily suspended.
N Seoul Tower really comes alive at night with a breathtaking array of light shows from the “Reeds of Light” whose 70 lights create dynamic displays changing with every gust of wind, to the “Shower of Light” where light seems to cascade from a shower head for three minutes when a 100 won coin is inserted. Both shows can be enjoyed without an admission fee. More lights are created from the transmission tower, observation platform, main tower and the tower plaza, constantly changing their colors and patterns with the season and weather, making N Seoul Tower a true nighttime spectacle.

N Seoul Tower is a popular place for dates. Seoul has a number of viewing platforms where visitors can enjoy the nighttime cityscape or gaze out onto the Hangang (River) but the tower’s Digital Observatory is unique, offering an astonishing 360 degree panorama over the city, and 32 LCD screens recounting the 600-year history of Seoul. That is why the observatory is so popular and such a source of pride.

N Seoul Tower has become famous for its “Locks of Love”

Situated on top of the N Plaza, the Roof Terrace is a spacious wooden viewing deck whose exotic atmosphere makes it very popular with lovers. A recent attraction for courting couples is “Locks of Love,” thousands of padlocks attached to the fence by romantic Seoulites symbolizing their undying affection.
*It is not permitted to throw your keys over the fence.

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